The Equality State Policy Center Announces Wyoming Campaign Finance Report

March 29, 2024


The Equality State Policy Center Announces Wyoming Campaign Finance Report

Laramie, WY- In light of the escalating concern over campaign finance practices impacting Wyoming’s elections, the Equality State Policy Center (ESPC) has released a report brief on political campaign spending in the state. 

“Expenditures by political candidates and contributions to their campaigns can have an outsized impact on election outcomes, especially in a state like Wyoming, where races can be won with only a handful of votes,” writes Marissa Carpio, Policy Director of ESPC. 

From local legislative campaigns to statewide executive offices, the surge in expenditures underscores the need for robust regulations to safeguard the integrity of the electoral process. Most notably, ESPC’s report emphasizes the necessity for legislative scrutiny and enforcement measures. 

Gail Symons of Civics307 notes the importance of this topic, saying, “Establishing clear language on requirements ensures more accurate, complete reporting while improving enforceability.”

Among the list of recommendations, ESPC suggested a thorough examination of existing regulations during the 2024 Legislative Interim Session. The Equality State Policy Center along with AARP, Civics307, American Promise, and the League of Women Voters, advocated for the Corporations, Elections, and Political Subdivisions Legislative Committee to take up a campaign finance topic. 

During that meeting, AARP’s representative Tom Lacock testified, saying “Deceptive campaign solicitations disproportionately affect older adults… It is our belief there is no election integrity, without transparency of election advertising and other electioneering or financial solicitation efforts. We also believe shedding light on who is asking for our vote and our financial support will cut down on deceptive solicitations and provide the Secretary of State, our Attorney General’s office, and local prosecutors greater ease in chasing out bad actors” 

Even with strong testimony from diverse partners, other competing topics won out. 

“The League of Women Voters of Wyoming supports explicit and enforceable Wyoming campaign finance regulations,” stated Nancy Lockwood, League of Women Voters of Wyoming President. “In the interest of fair elections and transparency, we promote campaign finance regulations that enhance political equality for all citizens and protects representative democracy.  We join the Equality State Policy Center in calling for the review and strengthening of Wyoming’s campaign finance regulations.”

“American Promise applauds ESPC for this thorough report on the campaign finance landscape in Wyoming. The report is timely, as 87% of Wyoming voters believe that the influence of money in politics is a threat to our democracy.” said Kaitlin LaCasse, Senior Director of Programs & Campaigns at American Promise, an organization focused on passing an amendment to the U.S. Constitution that would ensure transparency in political expenditures while also allowing states like Wyoming to regulate corporate, union, and other political contributions. 

“Unfortunately, until the U.S. Constitution is amended, Wyoming is hamstrung in its ability to ensure transparency and consider reasonable campaign finance reforms. We are grateful for the Corporations, Elections, and Political Subdivisions Legislative Committee for sponsoring House Joint Resolution 02, which affirmed WY’s support of such an amendment, and we look forward to revisiting this in the next session,” stated LaCasse. According to polling, 75% of Wyomingites support a Constitutional Amendment to allow States and Congress to reasonably regulate campaign spending.

While our interim topic submission regarding campaign finance was not selected, we respect the committee’s decision and understand the rationale behind it. The Equality State Policy Center looks forward to the possibility of revisiting this topic in the future and remains committed to fair elections and transparent government, acknowledging that campaign finance touches on both of these mission goals. 

You can read the report at 


For media inquiries or to schedule an interview, please contact Marissa Carpio at

The Equality State Policy Center is a non-partisan, coalition-based organization. We advance fair elections and transparent government in support of all Wyoming communities.

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