DRAFT Mini RUN Wyoming 2024


A candidate & campaign staff training to teach Wyomingites the skills to run a successful campaign.

It doesn't matter if you're considering a run for school board, city council, state legislature, or just wanting to learn more about campaigning, ESPC wants to provide all Wyomingites the opportunity to learn from experienced leaders so together we can prepare the next generation of leaders in our communities through this non-partisan candidate training.

Women, young people, people of color, and LGBTQ Wyomingites are highly encouraged to apply for RUN WY.

2024 RUN WY

The Equality State Policy Center and Mountain Movement Strategies hosted RUN Wyoming virtually on May 18th, 2024.

You can still purchase access to the candidate handbook and recording that includes:

  • A candidate action plan template,
  • Information on filing procedures and candidate reporting requirements, and
  • A candidate messaging guide.
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