RUN #4: Fundraising in the Time of COVID-19
July 28, 2020 Fundraising doesn’t need to be scary! If donors connect with your message, they’ll want to support you. They just need to be asked—ideally for a specific amount.
July 28, 2020 Fundraising doesn’t need to be scary! If donors connect with your message, they’ll want to support you. They just need to be asked—ideally for a specific amount.
July 22, 2020 “Taking Your Social Media to the Next Level” with Eva Guidarini of Facebook’s Politics and Government Outreach team, included a jam-packed tactical presentation including Facebook pro-tips, behind-the-curtain insights, and helpful strategies for candidates to create an effective, engaging campaign.
July 14, 2020 Jessica’s first and most important bit of advice if you’re thinking about filing as a candidate? It’s not too late! Filing periods for many offices are open until mid-August. So there’s still time to get your name on the 2020 ballot and run a strong campaign!
July 7, 2020 ESPC kicked off the first in our six-part online candidate training series on July 6 with experienced communications strategist, former press secretary, and founder of Frontwood Strategies, Nell Callahan.
July 1, 2020 Starting this month, leaders across Wyoming can get essential leadership development training from state and national experts every Monday from 5-6pm. This 6-week virtual series is the updated-for-2020, COVID-19-specific edition of ESPC’s biannual, nonpartisan RUN training.