RUN #3: Taking Your Social Media to the Next Level

July 22, 2020

The third of ESPC’s six RUN Wyoming training sessions, “Taking Your Social Media to the Next Level” with Eva Guidarini of Facebook’s Politics and Government Outreach team, included a jam-packed tactical presentation including Facebook pro-tips, behind-the-curtain insights, and helpful strategies for candidates to create an effective, engaging campaign. 

Eva provided tons of useful, actionable information about how to increase engagement, grow your followers, and use the platform to supercharge your campaign. Her top three tips?

1.     Focus on personal content! Share scenes of your day-to-day life, tie that content to your policy positions and beliefs, and explain why it is important to you and why you’re running. It doesn’t have to be professional quality. In fact, lo-fi video of you in your daily life can be the most effective way to make policy more personal.

2.     Reply to comments! When you engage with positive comments, it encourages people to join the page. (Super pro-tip: If you engage with one positive comment, it will boost it to the top of the page.)

3.     Every time someone likes a post, invite them to like the page! She suggests making it part of your daily routine to take a couple of minutes to check who has liked your posts and invite them to like your page.

For more tips, tricks, and ideas: Facebook for Government & Political Advocacy.

Want more great lessons about running for office?

Join us Monday, July 27 for Fundraising in the Age of COVID with Kristin Walker of Three Elephant PR! Register right here!

Run Wyoming is made possible thanks to the Cynthia Hogan Foundation and their dedication to the next generation of Wyoming leaders.

This free, nonpartisan online leadership training led by all women experts and panelists began July 6 and will run for six weeks every Monday from 5-6 p.m. All current and future candidates and leaders, especially women, are encouraged to attend. Attend all six to receive a candidate certification from ESPC!

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