People’s Review LIVE

People’s Review: LIVE! The Real Cost of Defunding Education in Wyoming

December 14, 2020 LARAMIE, Wyo — As part of its monthly People’s Review: Live! online series, the nonpartisan Equality State Policy Center will host a panel of education policy experts to discuss how Wyoming should balance the need to address revenue declines with its constitutional obligation to educate its citizens. The roundtable discussion, “The Real Cost of …

People’s Review: LIVE! The Real Cost of Defunding Education in Wyoming Read More »

Why Transparency Matters

November 20, 2020 Transparency experts on our latest People’s Review: LIVE! had a lot to dig into as they talked about how to ensure Wyomingites aren’t being shut out of the legislative process at a time when COVID-19 is changing the way lawmakers hold meetings and how citizens can participate. Panelists kicked off the discussion …

Why Transparency Matters Read More »

Shut Out? Ensuring Public Access to Lawmakers—Even in a Pandemic

November 17, 2020 LARAMIE, Wyo — As part of its monthly People’s Review: Live! online series, the nonpartisan Equality State Policy Center will host a panel of transparency experts to discuss the importance of ensuring the public can observe and have access to lawmakers during the 2021 General Session. “As the Legislature makes plans to meet at …

Shut Out? Ensuring Public Access to Lawmakers—Even in a Pandemic Read More »

PR: LIVE! Recap: The Power of Voting

October 16, 2020

Last night’s People’s Review: LIVE! The Power of Voting feat. Ricardo Ramírez of the Brennan Center for Justice, Audrey Kline of the National Vote at Home Institute, Susan Simpson of the Wyoming League of Women Voters and ESPC’s own Chris Merrill!

Why Small-Town Journalism Matters to Democracy (A People’s Review: LIVE! Recap)

September 18, 2020

Thanks to everyone who tuned in for this month’s edition of the People’s Review: LIVE! We had a lively discussion with five Wyoming journalists and editors about how the decline of local news and the spread of misinformation hurts civic engagement and weakens our democracy. If you missed it, be sure to check out the recording.

Recap: Who Pays? The Budget Crisis and the Future of Taxes in Wyoming

After decades of relying on mineral extraction to pay for essential government, Wyoming’s long-predicted bust is here, and it’s worse than many leaders anticipated. Now, as COVID-19 deals the state—and the waning fossil fuel industry—an extra blow, Wyoming suddenly finds itself with a $1.5 billion shortfall.

Senator Cale Case, Representative Dan Zwonitzer, House Minority Floor Leader Representative Cathy Connolly, and Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy senior analyst Aidan Davis joined ESPC’s executive director Chris Merrill to explain in stark and candid terms the challenges facing Wyoming as the state grapples with what one panelist called “the worst fiscal crisis in Wyoming’s history.”

Friday Recap: People’s Review: LIVE!

July 17, 2020 All four panelists shared their perspectives, their experiences, and their vision for voters, women, and our democracy. With a magic wand, here are just a few of the things they would change to make our democracy even more vibrant.

ESPC Focuses on Women’s Leadership in Wyoming

July 10, 2020 “We just celebrated the 150th anniversary of women’s suffrage in Wyoming, 2020 marks the centennial of the 19th Amendment, and now is an ideal time to look at the complicated history of women’s suffrage and talk about what that legacy means today.”

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