ESPC Staff

Upcoming: Action in Wyoming State Government

August 17, 2020 For the next two weeks, it will be fast and furious in the world of Wyoming State Politics. We wanted to offer an overview of the upcoming elections, committee meetings, and the ways that you can GOTV and engage with your state government.

RUN #6: Campaign Finances

August 11, 2020 Kate Debow Hayes of Higher Ground Coaching and Development, Sen. Tara Nethercott, and Albany County Clerk Jackie Gonzales turned what could have been a dry conversation about managing campaign finances into a deeper and uplifting discussion about the importance of women’s representation in the Equality State.

Run # 5: Lessons Learned on the Campaign Trail

August 4, 2020 The panelists addressed common concerns of campaigning, offered insights for overcoming fears of knocking on doors or asking for money, and shared tips about the day-to-day expectations of campaigning (for example, be prepared to talk policy and platform even on a quick trip to the grocery store).

ESPC July Wrap-Up

July 31, 2020 We’ve been busy behind the scenes and with state and local government and media as we work to bring the brightest voices and most vibrant perspectives to Wyoming in an effort to change the conversation around who and what Wyoming can be. Read on to learn what we’ve been up to over the last month.

Absentee Voting: What You Need to Know

July 29, 2020 Today is National Vote-by-Mail Day which makes it a perfect day to talk about absentee voting in Wyoming! Absentee voting makes it possible for you to vote from home with a secure ballot that you complete, seal, sign, and return.

Media Release: Absentee Voting

July 29, 2020 Equality State Policy Center Urges Voters to Mail Absentee Ballots Early LARAMIE, Wyo — In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, and in the interest of protecting public health, the Wyoming Secretary of State’s office and county clerks across Wyoming are encouraging voters to consider using absentee ballots to cast their votes this …

Media Release: Absentee Voting Read More »

RUN #4: Fundraising in the Time of COVID-19

July 28, 2020 Fundraising doesn’t need to be scary! If donors connect with your message, they’ll want to support you. They just need to be asked—ideally for a specific amount.

RUN #3: Taking Your Social Media to the Next Level

July 22, 2020 “Taking Your Social Media to the Next Level” with Eva Guidarini of Facebook’s Politics and Government Outreach team, included a jam-packed tactical presentation including Facebook pro-tips, behind-the-curtain insights, and helpful strategies for candidates to create an effective, engaging campaign.

Friday Recap: People’s Review: LIVE!

July 17, 2020 All four panelists shared their perspectives, their experiences, and their vision for voters, women, and our democracy. With a magic wand, here are just a few of the things they would change to make our democracy even more vibrant.

RUN #2: Campaigning in the New Normal

July 14, 2020 Jessica’s first and most important bit of advice if you’re thinking about filing as a candidate? It’s not too late! Filing periods for many offices are open until mid-August. So there’s still time to get your name on the 2020 ballot and run a strong campaign!

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