The Persistent Myth of “Voter Fraud”

February 1, 2021

Wyoming’s Secretary of State, Ed Buchanan, called the 2020 election “nearly flawless.” He said that when it comes to election security, Wyoming “sets a benchmark to which all other states aspire.”

Wyoming sets a benchmark to which all other states aspire.

Ed Buchanan, Wyoming Secretary of State

Yet the dangerous myth of voter fraud persists—even here.

As we’ve discussed with voting rights experts from across the country and as the evidence shows, the story that the election results were fraudulent is a lie. There is no evidence whatsoever that widespread fraud occurred. And, as Wyoming’s Secretary of State said, it definitely did not happen here.

Nonetheless, we already see one bill that threatens to disenfranchise voters in the name of preventing so-called “voter fraud” in Wyoming. Across the nation, the Brennan Center for Justice has been tracking the voter suppression bills that have proliferated in the wake of the Big Lie about election fraud. They note “state legislators have filed 106 bills to tighten election rules, generally making it harder to cast a ballot — triple the number at this time last year.”

Again, voter fraud is a problem that does not exist, and which is already illegal, regardless.

It’s a myth ESPC will continue to call out, and it’s one we’ll take an in-depth look at later this month when we visit with Sean Morales-Doyle of the Brennan Center for our People’s Review: LIVE! event—Election Integrity in Wyoming: The Stubborn Myth of “Voter Fraud.”  This discussion promises to be a timely one—we hope you’ll join us.

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