It’s National Voter Registration Day

September 21, 2020

Register to vote! Then make your plan.

Today is National Register to Vote Day. Even if you’re pretty sure you’re already registered, it’s worth checking again with your county clerk. You can find your county clerk’s contact information—plus a ton of other great information about voting in Wyoming—here

Once you’re registered, make a plan to vote! 

Vote by absentee ballot

You can request an absentee ballot by contacting your county clerk’s office. Absentee ballots must be received by your county clerk before the end of Election Day—Tuesday, November 3. You have two options for casting your absentee ballot.

You can deliver your absentee ballot in person—just check with your county clerk for the drop-off location.

Or you can return your absentee ballot by mail at least two weeks before Election Day. If you choose this option, ESPC recommends mailing your absentee ballot no later than October 20.

Vote in person

You can vote early in person at your county courthouse from now until November 2. You can also head to the polls on November 3 to cast your ballot in person. Check with your county clerk’s office to find out where to vote and to learn of any Covid-related considerations.

More questions?

Check out our Voting 101 page for more resources, or read this helpful voting guide from the Wyoming Secretary of State’s office. Whatever you do, don’t forget to vote!

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