ESPC Staff

Why The Small Protests In Small Towns Across America Matter

June 3, 2020 “Why the Small Protests in Small Towns Across America Matter” comes from journalist Anne Helen Petersen, an Idaho native now living in Montana. Over the weekend, she started a twitter thread about small town protests. It blossomed into a massive thread–that is still going nearly a week later–and later became this article.

Non-Profits and Women

We’re re-upping a portion of a post from our senior policy advisor, Jen Simon, who originally wrote about women and nonprofits over on the Wyoming Women’s Action Network blog. Why are we reposting it now? Because this week, nonprofits were explicitly excluded from the business relief grants in Wyoming. Read the guidelines from the Wyoming …

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Vote by Mail: The Latest in Wyoming

ESPC’s mission includes Fair Elections. And we’re committed to ensuring fair elections in the age of COVID-19. So we’ve been working on this issue alongside national groups like Secure Democracy, Unite America, Vote at Home, and the Brennan Center for Justice. Readers of this site know that we posted our letter to Secretary of State …

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Equity State: May 20

ESPC Senior Policy Advisor Jen Simon tackles a a central issue with policy and governance: We get the policy we get based on the personal experiences of the people we elect.

Special Session Updates

Even though we’ll be talking Special Session at the inaugural People’s Review: LIVE! on Thursday, we wanted to be sure you had a little bit of information about what happened at the unprecedented virtual Special Session over the weekend. Why did they have a special session? The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act enacted …

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People’s Review: LIVE!

What is it? On the third Thursday of every month, the People’s Review: LIVE! will offer vital information to ensure transparent government, fair elections, and thriving communities.  The People’s Review: LIVE is an ongoing, interactive, highly accessible, low-cost way for people across Wyoming to engage with ESPC’s mission, Wyoming’s government, pressing current events, subject matter experts, and …

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Protecting Wyoming’s Elections

The Equality State Policy Center and our 30 member organizations throughout Wyoming wish to thank you and your staff for your ongoing work in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and your office’s dedication to protecting the integrity of our elections during these challenging times.

ESPC’s Letter to the Secretary of State on Protecting Elections During the COVID-19 Pandemic

May 11, 2020 Re: Protecting Elections During the COVID-19 Pandemic Dear Secretary of State Buchanan: The Equality State Policy Center and our 30 member organizations throughout Wyoming wish to thank you and your staff for your ongoing work in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and your office’s dedication to protecting the integrity of our elections …

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