February 18, 2021
The February People’s Review: LIVE! digs into the conversation about election integrity that’s happening across our state. We want to make sure that you have the information and the tools to talk about this with your friends, family—and your elected officials.
First, we can’t say this enough times: Thank your county clerk! These public servants are the unsung heroes of Wyoming’s elections. They made sure that our elections were secure and accessible in the middle of a deadly pandemic. Call them, thank them, cheer them on social media. They are your neighbors, and they get up day in and day out to get the job—you know, the job of steadfastly protecting the democratic process—done.
Thank your county clerk! These public servants are the unsung heroes of Wyoming’s elections.
Second, learn about the bill currently in the Wyoming Legislature that addresses election integrity. HB75 has a staggering number of co-sponsors and a lot of momentum. But its assertions are flawed—and its provisions will make it harder for all of us to exercise our democratic right to vote. Again, this bill, named “voter-fraud prevention,” comes despite the fact that there was no fraud. Wyoming’s Secretary of State Ed Buchanan (R) said to the Wyoming Legislature: “Wyoming’s election was nearly flawless” and “Wyoming is the benchmark other states aspire to.” He’s right! (See item #1 above for who to thank for this.)
Third, get involved! You can testify against HB75 when it arrives in the House Corporations, Elections & Political Subdivisions Committee next week: Wednesday, February 24 @ 1:30pm. Sign up now—right here!

Want to learn more about the issue? Read this piece by Chris Merrill in the Casper Star-Tribune.
Then tune into the People’s Review: LIVE! and check out these resources from our panelists:
- Brennan Center for Justice has a Voting Rights Roundup 2021
- Vote at Home Institute has a robust research section on their website
- And the League of Women Voters of WY has great resources for you, too!