ESPC Staff

Faithless Electors

November 30, 2020 Faithless Electors is part of ESPC’s How Does the Process Work? Series You’ve read about the process to nominator the Electors who select the President. You’ve read about all the key dates in the Electoral College in 2020. Now we want you to know about “faithless electors.” What are they? Or, who …

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Nominating Electors

November 30, 2020 Nominating Electors is part of ESPC’s How Does the Process Work? Series The Electoral College is a unique method for indirectly electing the president of the United States. It was established by Article II, Section 1, Clause 2 of the U.S. Constitution and modified by the 12th and 23rd Amendments. The Electoral College consists of a total …

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The Electoral College in 2020

November 30, 2020 The Electoral College in 2020 is part of ESPC’s How Does the Process Work? Series We wrote about the election, your ballot, and the process of casting that ballot in our “Unpacking Your Ballot” series pre-election. But there is just as much to talk about post-election. Lately, there has been a *lot* …

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ESPC’s Position on Delaying the 2021 General Session

November 23, 2020 On November 24, the Wyoming State Legislature’s Management Council will decide whether to postpone the upcoming legislative session—which is scheduled to begin on January 12—until later this spring. As part of that discussion, they’ll consider this recent memo from the Legislative Services Office detailing the staff’s recommendations for postponing the session. Today …

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Why Transparency Matters

November 20, 2020 Transparency experts on our latest People’s Review: LIVE! had a lot to dig into as they talked about how to ensure Wyomingites aren’t being shut out of the legislative process at a time when COVID-19 is changing the way lawmakers hold meetings and how citizens can participate. Panelists kicked off the discussion …

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Shut Out? Ensuring Public Access to Lawmakers—Even in a Pandemic

November 17, 2020 LARAMIE, Wyo — As part of its monthly People’s Review: Live! online series, the nonpartisan Equality State Policy Center will host a panel of transparency experts to discuss the importance of ensuring the public can observe and have access to lawmakers during the 2021 General Session. “As the Legislature makes plans to meet at …

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Tell Revenue Committee: Cuts Alone Won’t Save Us

Wyoming Governor Mark Gordon has just announced an additional round of cuts to the state’s already lean budget. Since July, Wyoming’s spending has been reduced by 15 percent—with significant hits to key health, education, and family services. Those reductions translate to real lives impacted: much needed services no longer available, jobs lost, paychecks gone.   The governor’s announcement makes this …

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Shut Out? Ensuring Public Access to Lawmakers…Even in a Pandemic.

Join us on Thursday, Nov. 19 for the People’s Review: LIVE! Will Your Voice Be Silenced? The Legislature’s plans for the 2021 General Session could leave the public out. Our panel of transparency experts will discuss the importance of keeping the people’s work visible and accessible—even in a pandemic. Meet our panelists, Darcie Hoffland, Shannon …

Shut Out? Ensuring Public Access to Lawmakers…Even in a Pandemic. Read More »

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